Printers use ink, toners cartridges, or ink cartridges. All these need to be replaced when they get depleted. Yield page refers to the estimated number of pages it can print before getting exhausted. Once exhausted, you will need a replacement to keep printing.
This article takes you through all you need to know about yield page. We cover those aspects, such as determining the yield page and why it is important to calculate. We also review some factors affecting yield page. In the end, we give actionable tips for extending the cartridge life.
Paper Coverage Used to Calculate the Yield Page

Calculating the yield page requires a reference to the ISO. ISO stands for International Organization of Standardization. This is an internationally recognized body that sets various standards. It sets standards ranging from industrial to proprietary to commercial.
ISO defines a page as 5% of an A4 paper. When you have texts covering 50% of a page, it equals ten pages.
yield page is not always indicated in the ink or toner cartridge. You may find it somewhere in the product manual. 때때로, you might have to check on the manufacturer’s website.
You might still wonder, how much exactly is 5% of the page?
When you are printing text, 5% will cover approximately six lines. When you print an image, 5% will occupy even less space. This is because printing images take up more toner or ink.
Why Is It Important to Know the Yield Page?

Knowing the yield page of your toner is important in many senses. 수익률 페이지를 알면, 페이지당 비용을 계산할 수 있습니다.. 페이지당 비용은 단순히 한 페이지를 인쇄하는 데 드는 비용입니다..
작업 가격을 책정하려면 페이지당 비용을 아는 것이 중요합니다.. 또한 토너 카트리지를 구매할 가치가 있는지 판단하는 데도 도움이 됩니다..
프린터를 구입하기 전에, 어떤 토너를 사용하는지 알아야 해요. 페이지당 비용을 계산하면, 그것이 당신에게 잘 맞는지 알게 될 거예요.
예를 들어, 드럼 없이 토너 카트리지를 사용하는 레이저 프린터가 있습니다. 프린터에는 드럼용 슬롯이 있습니다., 더 오랫동안 사용할 수 있는 것. 내부에 토너만 들어있는 토너 카트리지만 교체하면 됩니다. 이 토너 카트리지는 더 저렴하고 페이지당 비용도 더 낮습니다..
토너를 구매하시면, you will find that a yield page is indicated. Many people take the yield page as a full page of an A4. When the toner gets exhausted, they get frustrated. They claim that manufacturers lied to them. That is another reason why you need a better understanding of the yield page.
Standard or High Yield: Which Cartridge is Right for You

High-yield cartridges are those that print a lot of pages. Standard gives a fairly good yield. The kind to buy depends on the volumes you print.
If you use toner cartridges, toner might dry up if you do not print regularly. If you are in business or have a busy office, you can buy a high-yield toner cartridge. This would be economical for you. 또한, it would offer longer periods of uninterrupted printing. But if you have a home-use printer, it would be better to buy a standard yield toner cartridge.
It is not so different from laser printing. You will save more using a high-yield toner cartridge if you regularly print. The standard yield will be enough for you if you print less regularly.
Factors Affecting the Toner Yield Page

Several factors affect the yield page. When you buy a new toner cartridge, it doesn’t guarantee the exact yield page indicated. The yield indicated is largely an approximate number. The actual number to be printed will depend on the following factors:
1.Design of the Page to be Printed
When the file to be printed fits a whole page, it will use more toner. 또한, when the design has more images, you will need more toner to print.
비슷하게, a toner will print more pages when the design fits a small section of the page. That is not always the issue, 그렇지만. There are times when printing demands more printing rotations. This can happen even when the design occupies a small fraction of the paper. When the drum rotates many times, more toner will be released. Once the toner is released, the excess will not be returned. 대신에, it will be diverted to a waste bottle. At the end of the day, you will use up more toner even if not used for printing. This decreases the cartridge life.
2.Stopping and Starting Printing
Initiating and stopping the printing process depletes the toner. In other words, when you print single pages one after another, you will use up more toner. What you could do instead is to put the pages in one file. Sending as one solid print job would save more toner. 그런 식으로, you will increase the cartridge life. It may not be possible to combine two PDFs, which is understandable. Just when possible, try putting your documents together before printing.
삼.Environmental Conditions
Environmental conditions also affect the number of pages you can print.
Extreme humidity and surrounding temperatures can make your toner to clump. When the toner clump, you will need more of it to print. This means printing in extreme temperatures would cost you more toner. For better toner performance, always keep your surrounding conditions checked.
4.The Kind of Printing: Two-sided or one-sided
Printers can be commanded to print both sides of a page. We call it duplex printing. This kind of printing may reduce the cartridge life. In duplex printing, 용지가 회전할 때 카트리지 부품이 계속 회전함. 부품의 마모 및 파손의 원인이 될 수 있습니다.. 토너 낭비가 발생할 수도 있습니다..
이 점은 해결하기 어렵다. 한 면만 인쇄하면 토너 카트리지를 절약하고 종이를 낭비할 수 있습니다.. 귀하의 필요에 따라 결정할 수 있습니다.
카트리지 수명 연장을 위한 팁

문서 초안을 인쇄하는 동안, 드래프트 모드를 사용하세요. 이렇게 하면 희미하게 인쇄되고 토너를 덜 사용하게 됩니다.. 또한, 필요할 땐, 굵은 선을 사용하지 마십시오. 굵은 선은 토너를 더 많이 사용합니다..
작은 이미지를 사용하세요, 또는 필요하지 않은 경우 제거하십시오.. 이미지와 사진은 텍스트보다 토너를 더 많이 사용합니다.. 꼭 인쇄해야 할 때 사용할 수 있습니다..
필요한 경우에만 색상을 사용하십시오.. 컬러토너가 더 비싸요. 인쇄물의 색상이 불필요한 경우, 검정색으로 인쇄할 수 있어요. 또한, 제목에 색깔이 있을 때, you can ignore them and print in black. This would save your colored cartridges.
There are options to use less toner. When the quality is not important, you can command the printer to use less toner. 그런 식으로, you can use your toner for extended periods.
Printing could get pretty expensive. It becomes even worse if you do not understand yield page and how to enhance it.
Understanding yield page and choosing good toners can help you save more on printing. Another thing that will help cut printing costs is using compatible cartridges. They are less expensive and work well. 대량으로 제작하여 판매하고 있습니다. If you need them, you can always talk to us.